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I am the second oldest of a big family. I am a extreme teen for Christ. I love writing and would love to help teens through my writing. I feel like I have a lot to share with those teens that tend to be forgotten, those average christian teens! I also have a good sense of humor heehee. (sometimes)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Every had a busy day? Never I am sure. Of course, we all have. Today I am having a busy day, in fact I don't even really have time to write this but, hey I make time lol. And don't get me wrong either, I am the kind of person who prefers to be busy instead of doing nothing all day.
But Today I was realized that I need to slow down and stop a bit. i need to stop and take time to be with God. He is the one who will carry me through this crazy day and he will be the one calming my nerves along the way, So shouldn't I pause to take a moment for him. It is like with any sports team before the game starts you all meet up and talk about the game. You also give each other encouragement. Imagine what it would be like if everyone on the team just got out there and immediately started playing. They didn't get together in a huddle first, or discuss who would be starting, they just met and played. Although that can work in street games where rules are forgotten, it would make a real game very confusing. None of the players would know the play or what they were supposed to be doing.
It is the same thing with God. When we meet with him in the morning, before we start are day, and spend some time with him, we will be more prepared for the game of life. he gives us are "plays" in the bible verses we read. And he gets us hyped for the game by his encouraging words in prayer. Alone times with God is important, not so we can check off on our good behavior chart "OK I prayed today, now I am .2% a better christian than Curtis" It is so we can grow with God so we can make it through the day with are feet firmly planted. That is important, probably most important. So all I pass along this hard learned, still learning lesson. Spend daily time with God, no matter how busy your day gets, because with out are feet firmly planted on the rock, we will fall into the sand.

I am sorry that I let my day get in the way of spending time with you.
Help me to put you first because you have always put me first.
Please plant my feet firmly on your rock today my lord,
and help me to keep my head above the water.
I thank you for the day you have given me and
I thank You for walking it with me.
I love you.
Your daughter,

Have a good day all! I am back to more crazy days!
God Bless!
Your sister in Christ,


Blogger Curtis said...

This is crazy! Are you sure we don't live in parallel universes? I just replied to your "blomment" on my blog about this very thing! Dude... Anyways, lol, I guess you could say that it was my reply to this even though I hadn't read it yet. We think too much alike, sis! Go check it out... and good post!

I'll prolly write another blog tonight sometime. I'll wait 'til one or two in the morning. (something like two or three in the morning, your time)

I'm cold.


5:11 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Oh weird so now I will have to go read it. It is strage that we are on the same wave lengths lol.
Hey though, aren't you 2 hours ahead of me? I think more correctly it would be like 11-12 my time.
Anyway Since you share your random thought about being cold here is mine. I just got done eating a snickers and this is what it said inside.
"Nougatocity- A Heightened but fleeting state of achomplishment that makes you realize how unbeliavebaly unmotivated you usually are"
Isn't that funny?!
Have a good night Curtis!
Your sis,

9:23 PM  
Blogger Curtis said...

Ha! I love it. Lol, I'm definitely adding that to my vocabulary. Blah. I don't feel like writing a blog tonight. I'm actually feeling wiped out. It's weird. So much for the all-nighter I was planning with myself, haha.

No, I'm pretty sure that you're ahead of me. If you're anywhere east, you're gonna be ahead of the west. I know because my sis lives in Virginia and it's always later there when we call and visit. Just think of it as the sun rising in the east first and then going down in the west. Ie, you easterners know how to bring it, but us mid-westerners know how to throw it down. *grins* Okies, I know I'm not black, so I'll go to bed now, lol.

Ttyl, sis!

10:28 PM  

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