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I am the second oldest of a big family. I am a extreme teen for Christ. I love writing and would love to help teens through my writing. I feel like I have a lot to share with those teens that tend to be forgotten, those average christian teens! I also have a good sense of humor heehee. (sometimes)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Theres gotta be more to life

Anyone heard this Stacie Orrico Song? Well I am listening to it well I write this and it makes me think of how true it is. Sometimes I get sick of same old same old. I want to break out of this box that myself and the world have put me in. I would be so different I think that I would even surprise myself, because inside of me there is this incredibly hyper and outgoing person, which for some reason only comes out when I write. You know those people in church who can dance, scream, and sing at the top of their lungs; praising God with everything they have inside of them? Well inside of me there is that person. You know the person who smiles so bright and are so warm that they are friends and lights to everyone? Deep down I am that person. What keeps that person stuffed down there? I have an idea. It is a big ugly word. FEAR. I am afraid to be that person sometimes. Sometimes I can scream in church, sometimes I can be super silly, and sometimes I am the biggest beacon of light that anyone has ever seen. But other times I am too afraid to let that person show. I think God designed that person for a reason, a way to bring people to Christ. I think that is why my writing is what I love to use to express to all of you. Because it is the way I can truly express my core. I am trying to let that person out in public, and not to whine for more in life. For now though I am going to allow life as it is, and use each and everyday as an opportunity to be that person. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Even dance like no one is watching.
Try and be that person today. Be yourself and nobody else because if you don't who will?

Dear God,
Thank you for making us the way we are.
Sometimes we don't like it and beg for more,
but you made us this way for a reason.
Help us to be ourselves
and to let that inner self we keep hidden out.
We know we can do everything with your strength,
so help us to lean on it.
In you name,

Have a great day everyone. Go be a beacon!
Your sister in Christ always,


Blogger Curtis said...

That's it. We're twins. And the strangest thing is that I even have that cd. Weird, I know. Most guys wouldn't even own up to having something like that, lol.

But anyways, I remember hearing in church one time, that most to all of life is driven by fear. It's true when you stop to think about it. The big, ugly monster behind this fear is pride. Do we act a certain way around other people just because we're afraid of not being accepted alone? Or do we act a certain way because we secretly know that it generates a response that feeds our ego and makes up feel important about ourselves? It all comes down to whether we're trying to please God or please ourselves. The very first sin in history was pride. If you look it up, you'll see that Satan started getting big ideas about himself. Everything we believe is effected by pride, whether by how much, or how little. If you look at basic theology, you'll see that certain doctrines are simply man-centered. God does everything to glorify Himself. It's hard for us humans to think about that, because our sin nature tells us that everything revolves around us. Just look at Humanism for a prime example.

Lol, I'll stop blommenting now and give you a chance to blomment back. *grins* Excellent blog, though! I love your thoughts!

Ttyl, twin!!

1:48 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

i love it LOL! Most guys would totally not but I will blow a major secret, most guys do listen to her. Especially those with sisters lol. My brothers know most of the words to her songs. Seen the music video? it is kind of weird.

Anyway time for some blommenting. I think it comes back to that acceptance and pride like you said. When we act a certain way we are accepted: in society, in our homes, in church, everywhere. Even if we are suppressing aour true self, we tend to act that way because that is the image that is expected. Like I said in my blog, I want to be the one who can dance and scream in church, but that person is the one that gets strange looks. They are not usually the ones who are excepted, but the love themselves anyway. That is not to say that the person you are is bad or that you are giving into peer pressure, but you are still suppressing part of the wonderful person God made you out to be. For example, I am a pretty caring person. My number one goal is to set a good example for my little brothers and sisters because frankly they have had a hard time with the older sibling role model thing. I love to help my mom, in fact she is my best friend. And I am super sensitive to the point where I can actually feel others emotions. But at the same time I have never done drugs, although the oppurtunities have been there and I don't date. even though in this society that is like being an alien.
But I am still suppressing part of myself. The hyper, crazy, outgoing part of myself is slammmed down so tight that some how it has reached my fingers and only comes out when I am writing. We have a need to be accepted and a need to have pride in ourselves. This is not a bad thing as long as we don't let it get in the way of the ulitmate plan.

So how was my blomment? I have decided the next blog will be on fear and acceptance so stay tuned lol. Don't touch that dial.
See you later! Ok not really but TTYL!! Have a great day!
Your sister in Christ,

8:55 AM  
Blogger Curtis said...

I used to know sign language. My sis took I don't know how many years of French. It's craziness. I even know a few words in Chinese, but not many.

Lol! I like how you mention that you were descended from Irish horse thieves and then proceed to start the next sentence with "To be honest." Ahh the little things that bring me humor...

So apparently I'm related to Daniel Defoe and a line of royal palace guards somewhere in Russia... weird, huh? Dude, I've got people everywhere, lol. One of my dad's ancestors got rejected from the Quaker Church because he helped build the warship the USS Constitution, lol.


2:38 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

you notice the funniest things. I didn't even notice that funny coincidence. I am also related to like 4 presidents, weird huh?
I think that is funny about the warship. I can see that in your bloodline lol. jk you make me laugh.
Chinese? thats cool? like what?
Have a good night!

9:00 PM  

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